


In Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis spoke about a rich young man who asks Jesus how he can have eternal life.

Pope Francis said the young man initially ran to Jesus with enthusiasm, but when Jesus told him to give his wealth to the poor and follow him, he turned away sad. The Pope said that despite having a lot of money, the young man was not satisfied, and was looking for a meaningful life, as is often the case with rich people.

Jesus looked at the young man with love and invited him to share his riches, so that he could find true happiness. We all want happiness and peace in our lives, but too often we think that wealth and material things will satisfy our desires, the Pope said.

However, Jesus wants to show us that true happiness is in God's love and that He can give us eternal life. Pope Francis said that Jesus invites us to make our lives a gift to others, and we must ask our hearts: "What gives us joy? Do we share with those in need?"

Finally, the Pope said that true wealth is not in material things, but in loving God and loving others.

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